text tebal
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membuat garis warna
<hr color=red>
membuat spasi
memberi link ke alamat url
<a href="http://URL">nama</a>
memasang image/gambar
<img src="http://cahya.mw.lt/anim/mobil.gif">
text jalan dari kiri ke kanan
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text bergaris
<s>teks salah</s>
The following fonts will display on your browser as you see them. If your browser does not include a specific font, then your browser will use the default font (the font will display as the regular font).
HTML Colour Names
text besar
<big>teks kamu</big>
text garis bawah
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text garis tengah
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text miring
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text kedip
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text ketengah
<blink>teks kamu</blink>
text kekiri
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text kekanan
<p align="right">teks kamu</p>
text color kamu
<font color="blue">teks kamu</font>
text font kamu gunakan
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<hr>teks kamu
membuat garis warna
<hr color=red>
membuat spasi
memberi link ke alamat url
<a href="http://URL">nama</a>
memasang image/gambar
<img src="http://cahya.mw.lt/anim/mobil.gif">
text jalan dari kiri ke kanan
<marquee>teks kamu</marquee>
text jalan bolak balik kiri
<marquee behavior="alternate">teks kamu</marquee>
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lebar bagian dari kemunculan text berjalan
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menampilkan kecepatan text berjalan
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text berbayang
<style type="text/css">b.drop-shadow { text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px red }</style><font color="lime"><b class="drop-shadow"><b>text berbayang</b></font></b>
text bergaris
<s>teks salah</s>
Font Face Examples for HTML
The following fonts will display on your browser as you see them. If your browser does not include a specific font, then your browser will use the default font (the font will display as the regular font).
Font Name | HTML | Example |
ABLib BT | <font face="ABLib BT">...</font> | ABLib BT --- ABCdef123 |
Amazone BT | <font face="Amazone BT">...</font> | Amazone BT --- ABCdef123 |
Americana | <font face="Americana">...</font> | Americana --- ABCdef123 |
Arial | <font face="Arial">...</font> | Arial --- ABCdef123 |
Arial Black | <font face="Arial Black">...</font> | Arial Black --- ABCdef123 |
Bookman Old Style | <font face="Bookman Old Style">...</font> | Bookman Old Style --- ABCdef123 |
Broadway BT | <font face="Broadway BT">...</font> | Broadway BT --- ABCdef123 |
Brush Script MT | <font face="Brush Script MT">...</font> | Brush Script MT --- ABCdef123 |
Chicago | <font face="Chicago">...</font> | Chicago --- ABCdef123 |
Comic Sans MS | <font face="Comic Sans MS">...</font> | Comic Sans MS --- ABCdef123 |
Courier | <font face="Courier">...</font> | Courier --- ABCdef123 |
Courier New | <font face="Courier New">...</font> | Courier New --- ABCdef123 |
Helvetica | <font face="Helvetica">...</font> | Helvetica --- ABCdef123 |
Lithos Black | <font face="Lithos Black">...</font> | Lithos Black --- ABCdef123 |
Modern | <font face="Modern">...</font> | Modern --- ABCdef123 |
MS Sans Serif | <font face="MS Sans Serif">...</font> | MS Sans Serif --- ABCdef123 |
MS Serif | <font face="MS Serif">...</font> | MS Serif --- ABCdef123 |
MS-DOS CP 932 | <font face="MS-DOS CP 932">...</font> | MS-DOS CP 932 --- ABCdef123 |
New Century | <font face="New Century">...</font> | New Century --- ABCdef123 |
Park Avenue BT | <font face="Park Avenue BT">...</font> | Park Avenue BT --- ABCdef123 |
Roman | <font face="Roman">...</font> | Roman --- ABCdef123 |
Script | <font face="Script">...</font> | Script --- ABCdef123 |
Small Fonts | <font face="Small Fonts">Small Fonts...</font> | Small Fonts --- ABCdef123 |
Swiss | <font face="Swiss">...</font> | Swiss --- ABCdef123 |
Symbol | <font face="Symbol">Symbol...</font> | Symbol --- ABCdef123 |
Times Roman | <font face="Times Roman">...</font> | Times Roman --- ABCdef123 |
Times New Roman | <font face="Times New Roman">...</font> | Times New Roman --- ABCdef123 |
Wide Latin | <font face="Wide Latin">...</font> | Wide Latin --- ABCdef123 |
Wing Dings | <font face="WingDings">WingDings...</font> | WingDings --- ABCdef123 |
HTML Colour Names
Colour Name | Swatch | Code |
aliceblue | #F0F8FF | |
antiquewhite | #FAEBD7 | |
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azure | #F0FFFF | |
beige | #F5F5DC | |
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black | #000000 | |
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blue | #0000FF | |
blueviolet | #8A2BE2 | |
brown | #A52A2A | |
burlywood | #DEB887 | |
cadetblue | #5F9EA0 | |
chartreuse | #7FFF00 | |
chocolate | #D2691E | |
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cyan | #00FFFF | |
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darkturquoise | #00CED1 | |
darkviolet | #9400D3 | |
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deepskyblue | #00BFFF | |
dimgray | #696969 | |
dodgerblue | #1E90FF | |
firebrick | #B22222 | |
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forestgreen | #228B22 | |
fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
ghostwhite | #F8F8FF | |
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goldenrod | #DAA520 | |
gray | #808080 | |
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greenyellow | #ADFF2F | |
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hotpink | #FF69B4 | |
indianred | #CD5C5C | |
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ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
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lightblue | #ADD8E6 | |
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lightcyan | #E0FFFF | |
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linen | #FAF0E6 | |
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mistyrose | #FFE4E1 | |
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navy | #000080 | |
oldlace | #FDF5E6 | |
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olivedrab | #6B8E23 | |
orange | #FFA500 | |
orangered | #FF4500 | |
orchid | #DA70D6 | |
palegoldenrod | #EEE8AA | |
palegreen | #98FB98 | |
paleturquoise | #AFEEEE | |
palevioletred | #DB7093 | |
papayawhip | #FFEFD5 | |
peachpuff | #FFDAB9 | |
peru | #CD853F | |
pink | #FFC0CB | |
plum | #DDA0DD | |
powderblue | #B0E0E6 | |
purple | #800080 | |
red | #FF0000 | |
rosybrown | #BC8F8F | |
royalblue | #4169E1 | |
saddlebrown | #8B4513 | |
salmon | #FA8072 | |
sandybrown | #F4A460 | |
seagreen | #2E8B57 | |
seashell | #FFF5EE | |
sienna | #A0522D | |
silver | #C0C0C0 | |
skyblue | #87CEEB | |
slateblue | #6A5ACD | |
slategray | #708090 | |
snow | #FFFAFA | |
springgreen | #00FF7F | |
steelblue | #4682B4 | |
tan | #D2B48C | |
teal | #008080 | |
thistle | #D8BFD8 | |
tomato | #FF6347 | |
turquoise | #40E0D0 | |
violet | #EE82EE | |
wheat | #F5DEB3 | |
white | #FFFFFF | |
whitesmoke | #F5F5F5 | |
yellow | #FFFF00 | |
yellowgreen | #9ACD32 |
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