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Thursday, 29 November 2012


  1. Lada Manis (Paprika)
Paprika adalah salah satu bahan alami yang bagus untuk facial wajah Anda, dengan membuat masker dari olahan paprika Anda bisa memutihkan wajah Anda, dimana masker paprika ini bisa meningkatkan sirkulasi aliran darah di dalam wajah. Anda bisa menghancurkan (mem-blender) paprika merah atau hijau untuk menghasilkan pasta atau krim sebagai masker wajah. Oleskan pada wajah Anda dan kemudian biarkan selama lima belas menit, kemudian bersihkan wajah Anda dengan air dingin. Dengan krim alami ini sel-sel kulit wajah Anda dapat lebih sehat dan pastinya wajah putih alami bisa Anda dapatkan.

Yogurt ternyata bisa memberikan kelambapan untuk kulit wajah Anda. Dengan mencampur sedikit madu dan kemudian oleskan pada kulit wajah Anda, biarkan selama 10 menit kemudian bisa dibersihkan dengan air. Masker berbahan yogurt ini bisa menghaluskan kulit wajah Anda, pastinya kulit wajah putih nan halus adalah dambaan semua orang.
Chamomile memang biasa dijadikan teh. Namun bunga ini bisa berfungsi sebagai bahan alami untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah. Chamomile juga memiliki banyak kandungan untuk mengatasi mata yang bengkak. Anda hanya perlu mencelupkan kantong teh ke dalam air panas, dan biarkan sampai dingin. Kemudian, tempelkan kantong teh pada mata. Lakukan hal ini selama dua minggu untuk melihat hasilnya.
Anda pasti sudah mendengar tentang manfaat mandi susu. Tetapi bila mandi susu dirasa terlalu repot, cukup gunakan susu untuk membasuh muka. Susu memiliki banyak bahan yang dapat mengurangi bintik-bintik hitam pada wajah, dan meningkatkan warna kulit dengan cara yang sempurna. Tuang beberapa tetes susu pada kain pencuci muka, lalu gunakan kain tersebut untuk menggosok wajah dengan lembut. Susu akan menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati yang menutup wajah, dan memberikan warna yang baru.
      5. Minyak alpukat 

Banyak perempuan yang malas membersihkan wajah sebelum tidur, karena merasa sudah begitu lelah. Nah, minyak alpukat dapat membantu Anda yang tak sempat mencuci muka sebelum tidur. Minyak alpukat ini secara efektif membantu menghilangkan sisa-sisa riasan wajah. Setelah menghapus sisa make-up, gunakan tisu untuk menyerap kelebihan minyak yang tertinggal di wajah. 
      6.Jeruk nipis dan putih telur 
Putih telur sering disebut mampu mengencangkan kulit wajah. Untuk memperbaiki warna kulit, campurkan perasan jeruk nipis dengan putih telur. Gunakan bahan ini sebagai masker wajah. Oleskan masker jeruk dan putih telur ini ke wajah, lalu biarkan mengering sendiri. Setelah 5 10 menit, basuh muka Anda dengan air dingin. Hasilnya bisa Anda lihat setelah rutin melakukan hal ini paling tidak seminggu.

      7. Almond
Almond dapat membantu mengurangi kegelapan warna kulit, sehingga kulit akan terlihat lebih terang. Cara praktis dan alami untuk menggunakan almon untuk memutihkan kulit adalah dengan mencampurkan almon dengan susu dan sedikit kunyit. Caranya, pada pagi hari, rendam 4-5 biji almond dan satu ruas kunyit dalam susu cair. Pada malam harinya, keluarkan kunyit, lalu haluskan almon dalam susu tersebut hingga terbentuk pasta. Oleskan campuran ini pada wajah dan leher dan biarkan semalaman. Setelah itu, pada pagi harinya bilas dengan air dingin dan bersihkan. Untuk hasil yang optimal, lakukan cara ini 2 minggu sekali.
      8. Tomat 
 Tomat kaya akan vitamin C yang bermanfaat untuk memutihkan kulit. Banyak kosmetik pencerah kulit yang memakai ekstrak tomat sebagai bahan aktifnya. Nah, jika Anda ingin memakai tomat segar sebagai pemutih kulit, ambil tomat berukuran besar lalu parut. Tambahkan 2-3 tetes air perasan lemon dan beberapa tetes air mawar, aduk hingga rata. Oleskan pada wajah dan leher dengan kuas, diamkan selama 15 menit,lalu bilas. Lakukan cara ini setidaknya seminggu sekali
       9. Pepaya
 Pepaya yang berwarna hijau atau oranye dapat berkhasiat mencerahkan kulit. Pepaya hijau mengandung enzim papain yang ideal untuk memutihkan kulit. Caranya, ambil satu sendok makan pepaya hijau (pepaya yang masih mangkal) yang telah dihaluskan, dan satu sendok makan pepaya masak, campurkan. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit, lalu bilas. Lakukan cara ini setiap hari untuk hasil yang optimal.
 Kentang ternyata dapat bermanfaat untuk memutihkan kulit, lho. Jus kentang dapat digunakan sebagai pemutih alami bagi kulit kita. Caranya, parut satu buah kentang dan tambahkan satu sendok teh madu, campur lalu oleskan pada kulit wajah dan leher. Diamkan selama 20 menit, lalu bilas dengan air. Ramuan ini cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.

Cara-cara di atas merupakan cara alami memutihkan kulit menggunakan bahan tradisional yang tentunya aman digunakan. Semoga dengan tips di atas, kulit anda dapat terlihat lebih putih dan cerah secara cepat. Selamat mencoba.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Kode-Kode Perintah CMD /Command Prompt

tahu kan cmd??? itu tuh layar hitam ngak jelas maksudnya apa yang ternyata memiliki banyak fungsi mulai dari hack meng hack dan lain -lain. tampilannya seperti di bawah ini.

udah tau kan gmana bentuknya??? utnuk memunculkannya masuk klik kiri star>run>n tuliskan cmd n enter maka akan muncul. cmd ini merupakan program bawaan windows yang memiliki banyak fungsi. untuk menjalankan fungsinya biasanya harus n mesti menggunakan kode-kode yang valid . seperti kode-kode di bawah ini:

  • ADDUSERS - Memasukkan/ menambah user ke/dari file CSV.
  • ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
  • ASSOC Change - file extension associations
  • ASSOCIAT - One step file association
  • AT Schedule - Perintah untuk membuat shedule program (utk dijalankan kemudian waktu)
  • ATTRIB - Mengganti atribut file
  • BOOTCFG - Edit boot setting windows
  • BROWSTAT - Mencari info domain,browser dan PDC
  • CACLS - Mengganti/mengubah file permissions
  • CALL - Memanggil sebuah program batch
  • CD - Memindahkan ke sebuah folder tertentu.
  • CHANGE - Mengubah Properties pada Terminal Server
  • CHKDSK - Memeriksa dan memperbaiki file system
  • CHKNTFS - Memeriksa NTFS file system
  • CHOICE - Menerima input keyboard ke dalam sebuah batch file
  • CIPHER - Encrypt-Decrypt files/folders
  • CleanMgr - Membersihkan secara otomatis Temporary files, recycle bin
  • CLEARMEM - Membersihkan memory
  • CLIP - meng-Copy STDIN ke Windows clipboard.
  • CLS - Membersihkan layar CMD
  • CLUSTER - Windows Clustering
  • CMD - Membuka layar CMD/ command prompt
  • COLOR - Mengganti warna pada window CMD
  • COMP - Membandingkan isi dari 2 atau lebih file
  • COMPACT - kompres file/folder di dalam partisi NTFS
  • COMPRESS - kompres file individu di dalam partisi NTFS
  • CON2PRT - Connect atau disconnect sebuah Printer
  • CONVERT - Convert FAT drive menjadi NTFS.
  • COPY - Copy 1 atau lebih file ke lokasi tertentu
  • CSVDE - Import/Export Active Directory data
  • DATE - Menampilkan/mengatur tanggal
  • Dcomcnfg - DCOM Configuration Utility
  • DEFRAG - Defragment hard drive
  • DEL - Menghapus 1 atau lebih file
  • DELPROF - Menghapus User Profile NT
  • DELTREE - Menghapus sebuah folder beserta subfolder
  • DevCon - Device Manager Command Line Utility
  • DIR - Menampilkan daftar file/folder dari sebuah drive
  • DIRUSE - Menampilkan disk usage/kapasitas disk
  • DISKCOMP - Membandingkan isi dari 2 buah floppy disk
  • DISKCOPY - Copy isi dari sebuah floppy disk ke floppy disk lainnya
  • DNSSTAT - DNS Statistics
  • DOSKEY - Mengedit command line,recall commands,dan create macros
  • DSADD - Menambah user (computer, group..) ke dalam active directory
  • DSQUERY - Menambah item ke dalam active directory
  • DSMOD - Modify user (computer, group..) di dalam active directory
  • ECHO - Menampilkan message pada monitor
  • ERASE - Menghapus satu atau lebih file
  • EXIT - keluar dari window CMD
  • EXPAND - Uncompress file
  • EXTRACT - Uncompress CAB files
  • FC - Membandingkan 2 buah file
  • FDISK - Disk Format dan partition
  • FIND - Mencari sebuah text string di dalam sebuah file
  • FINDSTR - Mencari strings di dalam files
  • FOR /F -Loop command: untuk beberapa files sekaligus
  • FOR - Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List
  • FORFILES - Batch process multiple files
  • FORMAT - Memformat sebuah disk
  • FREEDISK - Menampilkan free disk space (dalam bytes)
  • FSUTIL - File and Volume utilities
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  • FTYPE - Menampilkan/mengubah file types yg digunakan dalam file extension
  • GLOBAL - Menampilkan daftar anggota dalam global groups
  • GOTO - Mengarahkan sebuah program batch untuk melompat ke labelled line
  • HELP - Online Help
  • HFNETCHK - Network Security Hotfix Checker
  • IF - Conditionally perform a command (perintah bersyarat)
  • IPCONFIG - Configure IP
  • KILL - Menghapus program dari memory
  • LABEL - Memberi/mengubah label disk
  • LOCAL - Menampilkan daftar anggota local groups
  • LOGEVENT - Menulis text ke dalam NT event viewer.
  • LOGOFF - Keluar dari system / Mengeluarkan user dari system
  • LOGTIME - mencatat tanggal dan waktu dalam sebuah file
  • MAPISEND - Mengirim e-mail dari command line
  • MEM - Menampilkan memory usage
  • MD - Create new folders
  • MODE - Configure a system device
  • MOUNTVOL - Mengatur Mount point dalam sebuah volume
  • MOVE - Memindahkan file dari sebuah folder ke folder lain
  • MOVEUSER - Menindahkan user dari sebuah domain ke domain lain
  • MSG - Mengirim message
  • MSIEXEC - Microsoft Windows Installer
  • MSINFO - Windows NT diagnostics
  • MSTSC - Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • MUNGE - Mencari dan Menganti text di dalam sebuah file (find & replace)
  • MV - Meng-copy file yang sedang/sementara digunakan
  • NET - Mengatur network resources
  • NETDOM - Domain Manager
  • NETSH - Configure network protocols
  • NETSVC - Command-line Service Controller
  • NBTSTAT - Menampilkan networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
  • NETSTAT - Menampilkan networking statistics (TCP/IP)
  • NOW - Menampilkan current Date and Time
  • NSLOOKUP - Name server lookup
  • NTBACKUP - Backup folders
  • NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights (wilayah akses yg diizinkan oleh admin)
  • PATH - Menampilkan atau mengatur search path untuk executable files
  • PATHPING - Melacak route plus network latency dan packet loss
  • PAUSE - Menahan proses sebuah batch file and menampilkan message
  • PERMS - Menampilkan permissions (wilayah akses) user
  • PERFMON - Performance Monitor
  • PING - Menguji (test) network connection
  • POPD - Restore previous value dari sebuah directory yang di-save oleh PUSHD
  • PORTQRY - Menampilkan status ports dan service
  • PRINT - Print text file
  • PRNCNFG - Menampilkan, mengatur, atau mengubah nama printer
  • PRNMNGR - Menampilkan, menghapus, atau menambah daftar printer; set default printer
  • PROMPT - Mengubah command prompt
  • PsExec - Menjalankan proses jarak jauh (remote)
  • PsFile - Menunjukkan file2 yang dibuka dari jarak jauh
  • PsGetSid - Menampilkan SID sebuah computer atau user
  • PsInfo - Menampilkan informasi dari sebuah system
  • PsKill - Menghentikan proses melalui process ID
  • PsList - Menampilkan detail informasi dari sebuah proses
  • PsLoggedOn - Who's logged on (mengecek secara lokal atau melalui resource sharing)
  • PsLogList - Event log records
  • PsPasswd - Mengubah account password
  • PsService - Menampilkan dan mengubah services
  • PsShutdown - Shutdown atau reboot computer
  • PsSuspend - Suspend/menahan proces
  • PUSHD - Menyimpan/Save dan mengganti current directory
  • QGREP - Mencari kata/kalimat di dalam file yg sesuai dgn pola/line yg ditentukan.
  • RASDIAL - Mengatur RAS connections
  • RASPHONE - Mengatur RAS connections
  • RECOVER - Memulihkan/Recover damaged file dari sebuah disk defective (rusak).
  • REG - Membaca, mengatur, atau menghapus registry keys dan values
  • REGEDIT - Mengimport/mengeksport registry settings
  • REGSVR32 - Register/unregister file DLL atau ocx
  • REGINI - Mengubah Registry Permissions
  • REM - Merekam/mencatat comments (remarks) di dalam sebuah batch file
  • REN - mengubah nama file
  • REPLACE - Mengganti/Replace atau meng-update sebuah file dengan file line
  • RD - Delete folder
  • RDISK - Create Recovery Disk
  • RMTSHARE - Share folder atau printer
  • ROUTE - Memanipulasi network routing tables
  • RUNAS - Menjalankan sebuah program dgn menggunakan user account lain.
  • RUNDLL32 - Menjalankan sebuah DLL command (add/remove print connections)
  • SC - Service Control
  • SCHTASKS - Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
  • SCLIST - Display NT Services
  • ScriptIt - Control GUI applications
  • SET - Display, set, atau remove environment variables
  • SETX - Set environment variables secara permanent
  • SHARE - Mendaftar atau edit sebuah file share atau print share
  • SHORTCUT - Create windows shortcut (.LNK file)
  • SHOWGRPS - Menampilkan daftar NT Workgroups atau user yang telah joined
  • SHOWMBRS - Menampilkan daftar Users yg merupakan member dari sebuah Workgroup
  • SHUTDOWN - Shutdown computer
  • SLEEP - Menunggu selama beberapa saat
  • SOON - Menjadwal(schedule) sebuah command untuk beberapa waktu kemudian
  • SORT - Sort input
  • START - membuka sebuah window baru, untuk menjalankan program atau command tertentu
  • SU - Switch User
  • SUBINACL - Edit file & folder Permissions, Ownership serta Domain
  • SUBST - Menyesuaikan sebuah path dengan drive letter
  • SYSTEMINFO - Menampilkan daftar system configuration
  • TASKLIST - Menampilkan daftar aplikasi dan service yang sedang berjalan
  • TIME - Menampilkan atau mengubah waktu pada system
  • TIMEOUT - Delay processing sebuah batch file
  • TITLE - Menentukan judul window untuk sebuah session CMD.EXE
  • TOUCH - mengubah timestamps sebuah file
  • TRACERT - Melacak route ke sebuah remote host
  • TREE - Tampilan grafis dari struktur folder
  • TYPE - Menampilkan isi dari sebuah text file
  • USRSTAT - Menampilkan daftar domain usernames dan last login
  • VER - Menampilkan version information
  • VERIFY - Memeriksa apakah files telah ter-save
  • VOL - Menampilkan disk label
  • WHERE - Mencari dan menampilkan files di dalam sebuah directory tree
  • WHOAMI - Menampilkan current UserName dan current domain
  • WINDIFF - Membandingkan isi dari dua atau lebih file.
  • WINMSD - Windows system diagnostics
  • WINMSDP - Windows system diagnostics II
  • WMIC - WMI Commands
  • XCACLS - Mengubah file permissions (hak akses)
  • XCOPY - Copy files dan folders
READ MORE - Kode-Kode Perintah CMD /Command Prompt

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Download file 4Shared tanpa ID

masukan link yang terdapat di file di 4shared, lau paste di kotak bawah ini, dan tekan Generate Link

READ MORE - Download file 4Shared tanpa ID

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cabal Online Dungeon Guide – Forgotten Temple B1F

Here’s a guide on how to complete the Forgotten Temple B1F Dungeon or also known as FT B1F. A party is recommended to finish this dungeon because this dungeon is difficult to solo unless you have a high defense gear and is level 150+. Also its important to have a wizard with the party. Their Raise Spirit level 20 skill is needed because you and your party will be using Battle Modes with Battle Mode Aura when dealing with bosses and strong mobs.
Requirements: Muster Card: Forgotten Temple – B1F
Duration: 50 min
Note: mobs won’t respawn in this dungeon after you killed them
And you should take 1m alz with you because later in the dungeon you need to buy a Forgotten Temple B1F Epaulet.
The Entrance of the dungeon is in Forgotten Ruin a level 95 area.
Forgotten Temple B1F Dungeon Guide – Step by step:
1. Press on the hour glass to turn off the fire wall.
2. As you step up the stairs on the left there is a figure you can click on.
3. Keep going forward, you will meet a wall of fire that is blocking a bridge. Just wait until it goes down and pass by. Then keep moving forward until you cannot go forward anymore. Click on the monument on the left.
4. Keep moving forward. Press on this next monument.
5. This next part. If you have less than 1000 defense you should turn on BM+aura. You will need to break down the wall of fire while being shot at by monuments on the sides.
6. After you destroy the wall of fire. Keep moving forward and kill the oblivion to continue with the quest. These mobs have high def and can melee/range; however, their attack rate aren’t that great.
7. After you kill all the oblivion. Go forward until you get to the next wall of fire. Click on the snake monument on the right to advance your quest and teleport in. Note: each member has to click on the right monument to teleport in. Don’t try to run pass the wall of fire it won’t happen.
8. In the next room, you have to kill the mini boss – Nesbite. At the same time in each corner of the room, there will be a Serpent that spawn. You will have about 5 seconds to kill the serpent, or it will activate the laser and most likely 1 hit you. The serpent spawn goes in clockwise manner. So you don’t have to guess where he will spawn next. If you are solo-ing you can drag the boss around clockwise. If you are in a party you can drag him or have 1-2 people work clockwise to kill the serpent.
9. After you kill the boss. Click on the altar in the middle of the room to open the way to the next hallway. Go forward and clear the hallway to get quest items.
10. Once you get to the end of the hallway look on the left side there is a beetle box. Break it to get the Mutant Record. Note: each member in the party needs one.
11. After you get your mutant record work your way backward. Talk to the monument on the 2nd picture to open a door. Talk to the researcher behind the door. Pay him 1 1m alz and get the Forgotten Temple B1F Epaulet +300 HP and +500 Defense.
12. Once you get your Epaulet. Go back and into the room to kill all the mobs that will spawn (you need to click on the machine at the first screenshot, then they will appear). Occasionally click on the wall of fires to try to break them. Break them when you can.
13. After you can go into the next room. Make sure you have at least 2 SP bars (if not 3). This next boss requires you to kill him in certain amount of time or he will fully regenerate. He will also turn on a shield occasionally. Once he turns on his shield, get off the platform to the stairs. Kill all the mobs that respawn at the stairs and then attack the boss again. Just keep doing that back and forth, and he should die. Furthermore, once his shield is turned on, the faster you kill the guards, the more time you will have to hit the boss before the shield goes back up.
Here’s possible position for people to stand while fighting the boss.
14. After you kill the boss, take off the Purify Epaulette and use your A.C. Transmutter to break it to get a quest item. Talk to the stone behind where the boss stood to teleport you to the next room.
15. This long hallway has fire cannons that will shoot at you while you run by. With a defense of 800-900, they will hit you for about 200-300. If you need to, you might want to turn on BM and/or aura to run by. Once you get to the end of the hallway, you will need to break a wall of fire down to go into the next room (while being shot at by the cannons).
16. Once you get into the next room. Find a corner to get all of your party gather there. All those stone monuments mobs will spawn in different batch and just clear the room.
17. After the room is clear go into the next hallway and kill all the Groga.
18. Once you clear the Groga, you can enter the next hallway to the last boss’ room. Make you have enough SP (2 maybe 3) before going in. If you click on the statue on the Groga picture a timer will run and you have a certain time to come near the Fire wall befor the boss room..after some seconds the wall will open and you need to dash inside fast or it will be closed again and you need to destroy it. The last boss you have couple minutes to kill him. If you don’t kill him, he will disappear and a bunch of mobs will spawn. Once the boss respawn, the boss will get stronger. The boss will get stronger by each respawn.
19. After you kill the boss, there is an altar at the back of the room. When you click it the dungeon will be over and you will be teleported back out. Make sure you get ur chests (if u have picked up keys along the way). There are 3 possible keys (red, blue, green). Each key has a different series of box to click before you can open the chest room. The location of the chest room is between the Mutant Record and Researcher.

Key Quest
To start the hidden key quest you need to obtain one key.
There are 3 kinds of keys:
- Mutant Key Red
- Mutant Key Green
- Mutant Key Blue
Those keys are drops from monsters inside FT, every normal monster can drop it.
Sometimes no key will drop and sometimes you will get more than one (depend only on luck). The best way is to kill all monsters in the whole dungeon.
Now after you got a key you need to find the correct boxes.
You need to talk with 3 of them and then you get the Treasure key.
Mutant Key Red:
- First you need to click on the box which is at the beginning (Entrance).
- Next box is in the tunnel after the Nesbite room.
- Last box is in the Nesbite room.
Mutant Key Green:
- First box is in the tunnel after Chakris (second boss, the cat).
- Second box is befor you enter the room with the fire wall and those shooting
- Last box is in the room befor Chakris.
Mutant Key Blue:
- First box is in the tunnel befor the last boss room (After the Golem room).
- Second box is in the room befor Chakris.
- Last box is in the Golem room.
The Treasure Guardian (the room with your 4 chests) is in the tunnel between the Nesbite room and the Mutant Record Statue.
- You can only do one key per FT run.
- It is not important which key you take, drops will be the same.
- Easiest Key for solo runs is the red one because you must not kill Chakris for the
Official confirmation from ESTsoft:
“In Forgotten Temple: Is there any difference between the red, green and blue key?
Red, green and blue key in Forgotten Temple B1F are the items to start quest. The only difference between red, green and blue key in Forgotten Temple B1F is the procedure of the quest. They all reward same drop rate and quest reward.”
Mutant Energy Ball
If you get a Mutant energy ball from a monster and you want to craft Mithril then you need to run back to the place where you picked up the Record of the Mutant.
Across from this point will be the hidden NPC.
Talk with him and give him his ball back and the wall on the left side will disappear.
Now you can walk inside and choose the card you want (slotted Mithril).
Tip: Read the guide about Mithril Item Description.
Forgotten Temple B1F Map
READ MORE - Cabal Online Dungeon Guide – Forgotten Temple B1F

[Dungeon Guide] Tower of the Dead (B2F) - Level 105

You need to have completed level 100 quest: Leveling Up
Being level 105
Have an Epaulette of the Dead (B2F) in your inventory
Have 2 hours free to kill without resting, that's the time that the dungeon lasts

Where's the entrance?

Tower of the Dead (B2F) Guide - Step by Step: NOTE: Remember getting all the items from all bosses, all the items are quest items.

1. Once you enter touch the tomb and click the only option.

2. Go forward and kill some Death Flower and some Zombies if you want. After touch the tomb and go forward again.

3. Directly go to the Death Flower Queen and kill her, for sure you'll get killed a lot of times, but you and your friends can kill her for sure. When you kill her the Death Fogs will dissapear for 15 minutes.

4. When you kill her, go forward to other one and do the same that you did with the first.

5. After killing it touch the tomb and go forward.

6. Go forward and avoid all the monsters until you reach the room in the image and kill every monter you see there, and Ekzane will appear.

7. When you kill him, touch the tomb in the image and Flame Emperor Zombie will appear.

8. Drag Flame Emperor Zombie where the image or if you're really strong kill him in the place he appears.

9. Get rid of the plant door before of after the boss, because that'll disturb you if you get killed and try to get back.

10. When you kill him, go forward to the sword in the floor and talk with it, the answers are in this order: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 1

11. Go forward and touch the dead body: 1 - 2 - 1

12. Go forward, clean the rooms and touch the horn.

13. Get near the mirror and wait until the monsters come as it's magic. Now kill Arban Raikette.

14. Go forward and kill every monster that you don't like until you reach where I'm in the image.

15. Get near from the wall and Fellins Luerow will come, then kill him.

16. Now, go forward by the door and stay where I marked in the image and the monsters will come and you'll be without any danger, then clean as much as you can and then go to kill the boss, maybe you can without cleaning.

17. Go back a bit and touch the horn and... WARNING! Take your clock on, in a minute a Phantom Watcher will appear, and if you don't kill him in 5 seconds, a huge quantity of enemies will appear near Prinz Verzen to make your dungeon more difficult. Ger rid of him as soon as he appears.

18. Then get rid of Prinz Verzen.

19. Once you kill him, tell your mates to hide in another room while you're going to take care of ghost quest.

20. Go back a bit and touch these things, you and your friends will earn 100 honor points.

21. Once your friends are hidden, touch the tomb.

22. Enter to the corridor, touch the controller, you'll have to do the way that I marked in the image to let all the ghost out and noone in. Anyways remember once you activate the controller, the door will close soon, you'll have to go out of that corridor very fast and after break the door and you'll have to kill the Red, Green and Blue Ghosts while you drag all the other ghosts. Once all are out, run in and call your friends and touch the controller again.

23. Now you'll have to enter from the corridor to another corridor, then drag all the monsters to where I am in the image. Once you clean the room, or before if you don't hurry a lot of monsters will come from nowhere with Jumar Carbo, the boss.

24. Once you clean again the room kill Jumar Carbo.

25. Now, after kill Jumar Carbo, touch the tomb, answers are these: 1, 2, 3, 1.

26. Now you've got to clean the upper room like you cleaned the last room. Kill the monsters in the stairs, or if you feel confident enter when I mark in the next image.

27. Once you clean the room, or before if you don't hurry, be careful, Andreas and his friends will appear. Now drag Andreas downstairs if you can, or first clean the room again.

28. Once you kill him, break his chest and touch the well, the correct answers are these: 1, 1, 2, 1. Touch the torture device: 1, 1, 4, 1. For sure this is very helpful if you haven't cleaned the room. After go forward where I mark in the image.

29. Go ahead and you'll see a closed door, touch the controller and the door will open, go forward by the corridors and touch the next controller, and you'll gain 500 honor points, and your friends too.

30. Now kill all the monsters that you find and the door to the final boss will open.

31. Enter and kill the supposed final boss, but more monsters will appear when you kill him, you'll have to kill them where I indicated.

32. Once you kill them, a lot of monsters will appear. Kill them all, although there's an exception, drag Death Prime Knight out of the room.

33. Now you'll have to clean again the room, go back when you're ready to kill Death Prime Knight, and because of this I told you to drag it out, now you'll have to kill the replicas of the final boss. Only one of the replicas is real, maybe you're lucky and you kill one and the other dissapear.

Advise: Don't try to kill the 5 at the same time or you'll have serious problems...

34. Now two Death Prime Knights will appear, kill them and watch out with the final boss and with not being near of him while you're killing them, maybe he comes to kill you. After killing them get rid of the Final Boss.

35. After killing the Final Boss, touch the items in the order that I've put in the image.

READ MORE - [Dungeon Guide] Tower of the Dead (B2F) - Level 105

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